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… The fine crosshatching pattern on this fabric, Acuco, takes its cue from a similar allover pattern meticulously hand-painted on a pottery vase made by an artist from Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico. In further exploration into Alexander Girard’s sketches, one can find similarities between some of his pen drawings and this detailed pottery. Comalapa Inspiration for this delightful fabric, Comalapa, was adapted from a woven and embroidered Guatemalan blouse, or again huipil, made by the Cakchiquel people of …
… with the cleaning solution and gently rub the stained area. Do not overrub. Repeat until the stain appears to be removed. Afterwards, rinse the fabric with a damp cloth to remove the cleaning solution. Air dry. For more stubborn stains (ketchup, chocolate sauce, chips, oil, fruit, mud, blood, etc.) Use a stain removing product containing hydrogen peroxide*. Spray the stain and allow the product time to soak in for a couple of minutes, then gently rub the stained area with …

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